Coping with the challenge of multiple births

March 2019

EVERY MARCH, multiple birth associations around Australia celebrate Multiple Birth Awareness Week to highlight both the challenges and successes faced by families with twins, triplets or more.

Katie White, mum to four-year-old Sienna and two-year-old twins Lewis and Elliott, found her experience with the boys completely different to that of her daughter. Difficulties throughout her pregnancy increased her anxiety and worry for the health and wellbeing of her babies, while hospital stays and doctor-ordered bed rest meant time away from Sienna. The boys were born prematurely and required weeks in hospital before they could go home. Katie found trying to care for babies in hospital and a toddler at home was overwhelming and difficult.

Once home, Katie found that “in the early stages I did not go out like I would have previously and at times felt quite isolated and disconnected from friends.”

“The worry about what would happen if both boys were unsettled at once or needing feeding at the same time, or the worry about fitting the twin pram in places prevented me from going to things I normally would have,” she said.

However, she met a group of twin mums through the Tasmanian Multiple Birth Association (TasMBA) and found these catch-ups helped to build her confidence.

“Everyone understood the worry and anxiety,” she said. “We always carefully chose the places to go to ensure they had twin pram access and feeding facilities. These were all things that never entered my mind with my daughter.”

TasMBA is a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteer multiple birth families. The organisation provides support, resources and education to multiple birth families around the state.

All multiple birth families, no matter the age of their children, are encouraged to connect with others in the Tasmanian multiples community whether at playgroup, quiz nights, school holiday catch ups, BBQs, information sessions or one of the other regular events organised by TasMBA.

Check out the TasMBA Facebook page for more information and updates.


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