On track for rubbish collection

March 2019 | Sharon Webb

MEANDER VALLEY Council has asked ratepayers living off‘ the beaten track to signal their interest in a new rubbish and recyclables collection – but not many people are interested in paying the council an extra $206 a year for the privilege.

General manager Martin Gill wrote to “rural households in accessible areas”, telling them the proposed service would begin July to September 2019.

“This initiative will allow more households to participate in recycling efforts and promote better environmental outcomes,” he wrote.

“Properties that are accessible will be provided with a wheelie bin for a weekly rubbish collection and a wheelie bin for a fortnightly recycling collection.”

One Mole Creek ratepayer said she knows no-one in favour of a new service. “We are organised to take our rubbish to the local tip and don’t want to pay more,” she said.

“I believe having it collected just makes people more reckless about what they throw away. I also don’t like the way rubbish collectors leave bins thrown untidily on the roadside.”

While Mr Gill’s letter implies the new service is a done deal, the measure has yet to be voted on by the newly elected Meander Valley Council.

Confirming that the council has made no formal decision to implement the service, he said: “The model currently under review was developed with the previous council.

“The letter has been issued to property owners to obtain feedback which will be provided to the council to inform their future decision.”

Ratepayers wondering whether the offer of rubbish/ recyclables collection applies to them should take a look at their access road.

“For properties to receive the service the waste collection vehicles need to be able to safely travel up roads and be able to turn around at the end of dead end roads,” Mr Gill said.

“Council officers and a contractor have inspected the road network to gain a better understanding of which areas are accessible without having to undertake significant road works.”

The rubbish/recyclables collection will be compulsory, as will payment.

Subject to council approval, Mr Gill said, the cost for the service will be added to the rates notice for relevant properties.

Ratepayers who wish to comment on the proposed service are encouraged to contact Meander Valley Council. This can be done by email: waste@mvc.tas.gov.au; writing to Meander Valley Council PO Box 102 Westbury; or phoning 6393 5300.


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