Meander Valley Gazette

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Soulmates string along

March 2019 | Antonia Howarth-Wass

ON A wet summer’s morning in early February, well-known resident, artist and musician Joanne Mitchelson married her violinist friend and soul mate Hamish Pike in the Anglican Church at Westbury. The beautiful and historic church was a fitting setting for 5 harpists who had accompanied Joanne on trips to Northern France for festivals and performances, plus there was a violinist and organists which also helped fill the air with music.

The church was packed with guests and well wishers and as they emerged, the sun shone on this most exceptional couple to wish them well. Hamish looked special in his waistcoat and was supported by longtime friend Peter McPhie, Joanne’s brother Brian and one other Mitchelson together with 3 page boys in bowties.

Joanne wore a slim fitting cream lace dress with flowers in her hair and a long train and was attended by bridesmaids in dark blue together with some simply gorgeous flowers girls.

The wedding reception was to have been on the historic village green opposite the church where she and Hamish met some years previously, but as the ground was sodden the organisers made a rapid transition to the Westbus Depot, setting up tables for the feast provided by locals and guests to make this day a very special day for a very special couple as they embark on a new journey together.