A century of service

March 2019 | Wendy Laing

A WEEKLY hospital visit is only one of the many activities members have undertaken over many years as volunteers with the Deloraine Branch of the Australian Red Cross. 100 people attended the annual fund raiser, a Devonshire Tea and raffle, held on the 31st January this year.

This raised $2,279, which President Lexie Young said would go towards charities throughout Tasmania, including bush fire relief. During the event, two members were honoured for their long service to the Red Cross.

The Northern Regional manager, Barbra Hill and the volunteer mobilisation coordinator Pippa French presented Joan Pedley with a gilt rosette for 60 years of service and Marilyn Day received an award for 50 years of service. A remarkable achievement.

Over the years, Joan Pedley and Marilyn Day along with all the members of the Deloraine Red Cross have raised money by working at fairs, door knocking and through the TeleCross program which was set up to help people who live alone and are at risk of an accident or illness that may go unnoticed. In particular, people who are housebound or may have a disability

L to R: Joan Pedley, Marilyn Day and Lexie Young of Deloraine Red Cross.   Photo | Mike MooresL to R: Joan Pedley, Marilyn Day and Lexie Young of Deloraine Red Cross.   Photo | Mike Moores

L to R: Joan Pedley, Marilyn Day and Lexie Young of Deloraine Red Cross.

Photo | Mike Moores


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