Meander Valley Gazette

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Hagley RV homestay conditional approval

April 2019 | Sharon Webb

MEANDER VALLEY councillors have placed a condition on an application for a caravan park in Hagley to protect intrusion on a young family living across the road. Annette and Stephen Camino, who own a farming property at 62 Meander Valley Rd in Hagley applied for a permit to establish an RV homestay for 20 self-contained recreational vehicles.

It will operate seasonally at $10 a night for each RV and no facilities other than van space and a 3m high sign. The Caminos envisage setup to cost them $500–10,000.. Council officers had recommended the permit be approved but after councillors heard objections from Shaun and Danika Leatherbarrow they amended the permit. The amendment ensures RV locations directly opposite the Leatherbarrow residence will be filled only after all other spots had been filled. Mr Leatherbarrow told council at the March meeting that he and his wife were distressed by the proposed land use and its location.

“We stand to lose quite a considerable amount if this venture is to go ahead as planned. “The current plan has a caravan park directly opposite our house, with campers to be located no more than 30 meters from our toddler’s bedroom. Not only does this propose noise issues but also privacy and the risk of strangers almost on our doorstep on a regular basis.

“Whilst the caravans are planned to be behind a row of trees, to state that 20 RVs parked alongside of the road would not adversely impact the current charm of our little village is misguided. “I would never have bought this property if it was located opposite what is being proposed. We love this area, but have talked about selling up if our dream of a beautiful quiet home in the country is ruined.”