Meander Valley Gazette

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Postcard from Tasmania

Channel Nine’s lifestyle and travel show Postcards and host Rebecca Judd will feature Deloraine in May. Photo supplied Channel Nine’s lifestyle and travel show Postcards and host Rebecca Judd will feature Deloraine in May. Photo supplied

Channel Nine’s lifestyle and travel show Postcards and host Rebecca Judd will feature Deloraine in May. Photo supplied

DELORAINE WILL showcase some of what it has to offer in front of the nation in May. A team from Channel Nine’s Postcards recently visited several locations in search of good food, wine and knick knacks. Postcards host, Rebecca Judd, has visited Tasmania several times before for work and weddings, but this time she got to experience the state in a different way.

“Our first stop was Brush Rabbit, a gorgeous homewares store with beautiful art and knick knacks, then La Villa wines (a stunning Tuscan style villa showcasing delicious vino), then we stopped in at the Tasmanian Food and Wine Conservatory for the most incredible grazing platter I’ve ever seen,” she said.

Her favourite place was “the Food and Wine Conservatory – the coffee and food was delicious and the interior decoration was to die for. The arch windows are heavenly.” Rebecca believes the reason people like Tasmania is for “its natural scenery, delicious food and wine, great road tripping, stunning accommodation and fresh air!”

According to the web site, Postcards is Victoria’s most popular travel and lifestyle show, airing every SunBy Sharon Webb day at 5:30pm on Nine and 9Now. The episode is due to air on 5th May