OVERLOAD for under-diagnosis

Sheila Stevenson, curator of the OVERLOAD exhibition, on display at Deloraine Hospital Galley until 9 November.  Photo suppliedSheila Stevenson, curator of the OVERLOAD exhibition, on display at Deloraine Hospital Galley until 9 November.  Photo supplied

Sheila Stevenson, curator of the OVERLOAD exhibition, on display at Deloraine Hospital Galley until 9 November.

Photo supplied

WORLD HAEMOCHROMATOSIS Week was held this year from 3–9 June. Did you know? And did you know that haemochromatosis is the most common genetic disorder in Australia?

Easy to test for and simple to treat, but tragic to ignore, haemochromatosis means that your body absorbs too much iron from food. Symptoms include tiredness and aching joints.

Undetected and untreated, excess iron overloads body tissues, damages organs and can cause premature death.

About one in 200 people are genetically disposed to this and one in seven are carriers. It is more prevalent in families of Celtic or Northern European origin.

Early detection allows the disorder to be managed through blood donations and is no barrier to a normal life.

World Haemochromatosis Week raises awareness of this under-diagnosed disorder, as early detection provides better health outcomes for individuals and huge savings for health care systems.

As part of this worldwide effort, local resident Sheila Stevenson is once again curating the OVERLOAD Exhibition at Deloraine Hospital Gallery from 31 May to 9 November.

OVERLOAD is an annual group art exhibition across northern Tasmania, with this year’s artists responding to this statement ‘Blood is Life’.

Sale commissions go to Haemochromatosis Australia.

If you have any concerns about haemochromatosis, please speak with your GP.

Too many people remain undiagnosed and their longterm health is at risk from this ‘silent destroyer’.

For further information, see the Haemochromatosis Australia website: www.ha.org.au or call 1300 019 028.

Please contact Sheila Stevenson on 0428 576 795 about OVERLOAD.


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