Donate to change a life

DONATELIFE WEEK 2019 from (28 July–4 August) is Australia’s national awareness week to promote organ and tissue donation and get more people signed up as donors.

This year, registered donors are urged to find a ‘plus one’ to sign up.

If every registered donor did this, the number of people on the donation register could be increased dramatically.

In 2018, 1782 lives were transformed by 238 living and 554 deceased organ donors and their families.

The number of annual donors has more than doubled over the last decade.

There is still a lot more that can be done to increase donation rates so that more people can receive life-changing transplants.

Only one in three Australians have joined the Australian Organ Donor Register (AODR).

There are more than 1400 Australians currently on the waiting list for a transplant, and a further 11,000 people on dialysis.

Every registration counts, so letting your family know you want to be a donor is important.

Nine out of ten families agree to donation when their loved one is on the register. Consent is given in seven out of ten cases when the family is aware of the donor’s wishes, but this drops to five out of ten when the family does not know.

Support DonateLife Week 2019 by registering as an organ and tissue donor at or get a friend or family member to sign up.

Grab a mate and double the rate!


Sandwiches, soup and a silent auction


Saturday night games