Lions roaring ahead

Mary Gill, of Westbury Lions, with a pallet of Lions’ bagged sheep poo, outside Westbury Rural.  Photo suppliedMary Gill, of Westbury Lions, with a pallet of Lions’ bagged sheep poo, outside Westbury Rural.  Photo supplied

Mary Gill, of Westbury Lions, with a pallet of Lions’ bagged sheep poo, outside Westbury Rural.

Photo supplied

THE LIONS Club of Westbury is celebrating its twenty five year anniversary and still going strong, according to President Chris Viney.

Over the years Westbury Lions have been involved in numerous community projects, including renovating the clock at Holy Trinity Church in Westbury, Westbury Skate Park, the gates of St Mary’s Church at Hagley, the Westbury Showground gates and barbecue areas at both Carrick and Bracknell.

‘This year, our total contribution to the community has been over $15,000. That’s a pretty good effort for a club of our size,’ said Mr Viney.

Ongoing projects include collecting used spectacles for recycling in under-developed countries and collecting used stamps to raise money for the Lions Child Mobility Fund.

Lions also sponsor the UTAS Adrian Geard Memorial Nursing Scholarship, assisting a local person to pursue tertiary study and a career in a field vital to the community,\.

Manning the Agfest gates and assisting at the Mountain Cattlemen’s annual get together are other regular fund-raising activities.

Selling sheep ‘poo’ is another money making venture for Westbury Lions. Working bees are held to bag the poo, which is sold at Westbury Rural Services, with all proceeds going directly to Lions.

‘We really appreciate the ongoing support of Westbury Rural Services,’ said Mr Viney.

Membership has ebbed and flowed over the years but Mr Viney said there was always room for more. Of the original members, six are still active, twenty five years later.

The club is keen to attract more members, regardless of age or gender, and is a great way to serve the community.

‘We really need to get younger men and women on board so that the good work of Lions can continue,’ said Mr Viney.

Prospective members can get more information about Lions from Club Secretary Paul Kilroy on 0414 891 793.


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