Meander Valley Gazette

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Steady development in the Meander Valley

By Wai Lin Coultas

EVER WONDERED how building and development is getting on in the valley? Some research into Meander Valley Council building approvals from 2017 to April this year, shows there is a steady rate of approved building works.

As of April, MVC issued a total of 71 building approvals, comprising 37 building permits and 34 notifiable building works, of which 17 were for urban and 54 for regional development.

This compares favourably with the first four months of 2017 and 2018 – a total of 64 and 78 building approvals issued respectively.

In total, there were 244 building approvals in 2017 and 235 in 2018, so similar numbers could be anticipated this year.

Building permits so far this year were valued at $10,315,018. Most were for new dwellings, units, additions and alterations to existing dwellings. Only four were for commercial buildings.

Of the 132 building permits issued in 2018, 49 were for urban and 83 for regional works, valued at $46,945,782 in total. The permits were for 52 new dwellings, 21 units, 23 additions and alterations, 3 farm buildings, 3 offices/ factories, 12 commercial buildings and 17 outbuildings.

For 2017, a total of 145 building permits were issued, for 53 urban and 92 regional works, valued at $30,297,701. This was for 44 new dwellings, 30 units, 23 additions and alterations, 3 farm buildings, 6 commercial buildings and 30 outbuildings.

Of course, building development is only one element of local prosperity, but by this standard, it would seem that the Meander Valley is on the right track.