Meander Valley Gazette

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In good hands!

Chris Carpenter demonstrating his skills on Jess Bartholomew.  Photo by Hayley Manning Chris Carpenter demonstrating his skills on Jess Bartholomew.  Photo by Hayley Manning

Chris Carpenter demonstrating his skills on Jess Bartholomew.

Photo by Hayley Manning

By Hayley Manning

A NEW remedial massage and natural therapies centre has just set up shop in the historic London House building on Emu Bay Road in Deloraine.

Acacia Healing’s Jess Bartholomew, offers Life/Vitality Coaching and Flower Essence Therapy, while Chris Carpenter provides a variety of massage styles.

A self proclaimed ‘climate refugee’ from Queensland, Chris visited Deloraine on his first day in Tasmania and met his partner, Jess.

The couple has since settled in the area, set up business and plan to eventually buy their own ‘patch of land’.

Reflecting their affinity with plants, the business is named after the Golden Wattle, whose bursts of fluffy yellow blooms herald the arrival of spring.

‘The first plant to flower in spring signals new life, new creation – that seems like a really good omen for us,’ Chris said.

Chris has always been naturally drawn to massage from a young age.

‘When I was a kid, if my parents had guests over to dinner, I would go around the dinner table after we had finished eating, and give them five minute shoulder massages.’

Advised by his family and following his heart, Chris completed Diplomas in Remedial/ Relaxation Massage and Shiatsu/Oriental Therapies – a good starting base.

Ten years experience and work on countless bodies, has resulted in Chris developing a unique massage style using a combination of all disciplines.

‘I am very flexible in my treatments. I can do anything from soft, gentle and relaxing, all the way to doing work on a toughened body builder who needs a lot of pressure,’ he said.

‘I am intuitive when it comes to reading bodies and the underlying cause of pain and discomfort, and then working on that, whether that be a crick in the neck, a bit of sciatica or lower back pain. If you come in with a specific problem, we will work on that to provide long-term pain relief.

‘I really love it. Changing people’s lives by healing them. It is really satisfying to me when someone comes in with pain and walks out feeling fantastic. What I want to do is fix people up, so they don’t need massage anymore, and basically work myself out of a job!’

For information and appointments, phone Chris on 0459 322 171, or visit