Meander Valley Gazette

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The biggest cuppa of all

Christine Donohue (left) and Sally Donohue (right) having their cake and eating it at the Biggest Morning Tea! Christine Donohue (left) and Sally Donohue (right) having their cake and eating it at the Biggest Morning Tea!

Christine Donohue (left) and Sally Donohue (right) having their cake and eating it at the Biggest Morning Tea!

By Wendy Laing

DELORAINE’S 2019 Biggest Morning Tea was held this year on 13 June.

The RSL clubrooms were abuzz with the happy sounds of approximately 100 people enjoying a morning tea of home-made sandwiches, cakes, slices and scones with tea or coffee.

Mrs Helen Horton and her husband Don initiated the first Biggest Morning Tea in Deloraine and continued running them for 20 years.

For the past two years, Helen’s daughter-in law Leanne Horton and Leanne’s two daughters, Danielle Donovan and Nicole Sherriff, have continued the tradition.

‘So many people have helped to make the Biggest Morning Tea a success this year,’ Leanne Horton said.

‘I would like to thank everyone who worked in the kitchen, supplied plates of food and donated items for the raffle.’

She also thanked the RSL for allowing them to hold the event in their clubrooms and the Information Centre for running off the fliers advertising the event.

Ms Kate Bennett from Westbury was thrilled when told she had won the raffle.

This year the successful Biggest Morning Tea raised the grand total of $1452 for the Cancer Council.