Meander Valley Gazette

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Burn brighter this winter

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EPA TASMANIA is urging wood heater operators to burn their wood heater brightly this winter to help reduce smoke pollution

Wood heater smoke tends to linger round our homes and neighbourhoods on still winter days and nights.

Wood smoke is a problem for people with heart and lung diseases, as breathing in smoke can aggravate these conditions.

Dr John Innis from EPA Tasmania recommends following the EPA’s Burn Brighter this Winter steps to reduce smoke:

• only burn dry, seasoned wood

• when reloading turn your heater airflow to high for 20 minutes – especially before going to bed

• aways burn with a flame

• ensure the flue is clean. ‘It’s really important to never let your fire smoulder,as this creates a lot of smoke,’ Dr Innis said. ‘It’s also worth looking at your chimney every so often to see what is coming out.’

By following these steps, your neighbours will breathe easy and you’ll stay toasty warm. You’ll also save money, because smoke going up the chimney is just unburned fuel.

For more information about how to Burn Brighter this Winter visit the Tasmanian EPA website: www.epa.tas.

For Tasmanian air quality data, visit their website: air/monitoring-air-pollution/ real-time-air-quality-datafor-tasmania.