Meander Valley Gazette

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Piecing things together

MVU3A member Susanne Puccetti works some of her mosaic magic on an old skateboard.  Photo by Mike Moores MVU3A member Susanne Puccetti works some of her mosaic magic on an old skateboard.  Photo by Mike Moores

MVU3A member Susanne Puccetti works some of her mosaic magic on an old skateboard.

Photo by Mike Moores

ON A cold and rainy Thursday, a group of dedicated artists meets in the Deloraine Baptist Church Hall to explore creativity through mosaic.

The Meander Valley is wellknown for the numerous talented groups and individuals who practice their art or craft regardless of the seasons.

U3A is one of the many organisations that bring people together for a variety of pursuits. The mosaic classes, overseen by the knowledgeable and enthusiastic Linda Ireland, is just one of these gatherings.

Class members learn basic skills and develop a familiarity with materials, recipes and techniques, ensuring that pieces will be made to last, indoors or outside in the elements.

Once the artists are comfortable with their medium, creativity can be let fly.

Mosaic can be created on many different surfaces or objects. Linda commented that with the weight of the mosaic on the outside, it is always a good idea to minimise the weight underneath!

Scouring charity shops for china and ceramics is a regular activity. Discarded items can be brought back to life with mosaic. An old bowling ball, an old skateboard or just a wood panel – each artist has their own vision.

Working in a group allows artists to provide commentary and advice, watching and learning by example, building relationships as well as art. Regular meetings provide impetus for creativity as well as an excuse to leave the house.

An exhibition of the group’s mosaics, themed ‘Personality Plus’ is currently on display in Westbury.

In Linda’s words, ‘It is very rare, especially in our area, to have an exhibition dedicated solely to the art of mosaic.

A group of MVU3A mosaic artists jumped at the chance to showcase some of their artwork when Patrick Gambles, the Community Development Officer for the Meander Valley Council, offered the use of the reception area at the council building.

‘The nine represented artists clearly demonstrate their wonderful differences in imagination, and very individual approaches to the construction of each of their items. The possibilities appear endless. It is worth taking the time to view this small, but exciting, glimpse into the world of mosaic art.

’ The exhibition is on display from 1 July to 30 August, and can be viewed between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, MVC reception foyer, Lyall Street, Westbury.