Quamby Fly Fishers Annual Open Day

QUAMBY FLY Fishers Club Annual Open Day is at Meander Hall on Saturday 21 September 2019 from 10am–3pm.

This year, funds raised will support junior anglers.

A warm invitation is extended to anyone currently involved in fishing and those who would like to get involved in the wonderful experience of fly fishing.

Tasmania will host the World Fly Fishing Championships from 30 November to 8 December 2019, showcasing our unique wildlife and natural fisheries.

The Meander River will be a sector for competition in the Championships. Some members of the club will be involved as volunteers, controllers and competitors.

Quamby Fly Fishers Club is based at Deloraine on the Meander River, forty minutes west of Launceston or east of Devonport.

Fly tying is a valuable fly fishing skill.  Photo by Mike MooresFly tying is a valuable fly fishing skill.  Photo by Mike Moores

Fly tying is a valuable fly fishing skill.

Photo by Mike Moores

Huntsman Lake is 15 minutes away and the Central Plateau Lakes in the Highlands are only an hour away. Brushy Lagoon, Four Springs Lake, the Meander, Esk and Mersey Rivers are all within easy access.

The club has fishing outings around the lake and river fisheries regularly, offering guidance, encouragement and sharing of ideas within a very social environment.

Monthly meetings and workshops feature an informal atmosphere, with shared practical sessions and ideas from experienced members that are valuable for all.

The Open Day is designed as a taster day. Those attending will be able to obtain information from experienced club members about fly fishing at any level from the beginner to the experienced angler.

All members of our club are passionate about fly fishing and several members have competed in international, national and state level competitions, so there is a wealth of knowledge to draw on.

Demonstrations and advice will cover casting, fly tying and entomology, knots, gear selection, cleaning and filleting, as well as where to fish, when to fish and how to fish.

There will be opportunity for patrons to practise some of these activities under expert tuition. Quamby Fly Fishers Club Open Day offers something for everyone so come along and enjoy a relaxed and informative day.

When: Saturday 21 September 2019 Time: 10am to 3pm Venue: Meander Memorial Hall, Meander Cost:

gold coin donation Lunch: food for purchase Raffle: prizes for fishing, winners being drawn at the Fly Fishers site at the Tasmanian Craft Fair in Deloraine on November 4.

Inquiries: Eve Berne, 03 63695121 / 0427 695 121; Mark Sutton; 0409647966 Website: meandervalleycommunitydirectory.com.au


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