Meander Valley Gazette

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Steps on the red carpet

Jasper Dorman in the green hat, Elliot Bartninkaitis in the red hat, with movie group teacher Danielle Whatley in the middle.  Photo by Mike Moores Jasper Dorman in the green hat, Elliot Bartninkaitis in the red hat, with movie group teacher Danielle Whatley in the middle.  Photo by Mike Moores

Jasper Dorman in the green hat, Elliot Bartninkaitis in the red hat, with movie group teacher Danielle Whatley in the middle.

Photo by Mike Moores

STUDENTS AT Giant Steps Tasmania have entered the Focus on Ability Film Festival for the second year in a row.

Josh, Ben, Francois, Elliott, Jasper and Jacob attended weekly Movie Group sessions for 12 weeks in total to prepare for the event.

Two Giant Steps students, Joshua Lowe and Frankie Louw, were finalists in the competition last year. This motivated other students to get involved and this year, Giant Steps have entered six films.

Students did filming, editing and preparation for their Red Carpet Premieré during weekly movie group lessons with Danielle Whatley.

The students needed votes to be in with a chance to win a prize and voting was open until 3 July .

The Red Carpet Premieré was held at Giant Steps on 4 July so that students could present their films to friends, families, fellow students and the local community. Students sold food, gave speeches, showcased their films, received awards and more.

The Red Carpet event drew a huge crowd, the biggest crowd that has ever attended the event. The DVDs of the students’ films were sold out at the end of the event.

The students also raised money for Deloraine House, to give food for those who need it.

The Focus on Ability competition offered $160 000 worth of prizes and this year’s theme was ‘Focus on Ability’.

by 28 countries with entries viewed in 168 countries and voted on by over 700 000 people.

Giant Steps entered their six films in the School Open category. All of the films can be found on the Giant Steps Facebook page.

The films and links to view the films online are:

School Robbery by Josh

Day at School by Frankie

The Boy Who Cried Wolf by Ben

Brave by Jacob and students of Giant Steps films/1889.html

Bank Robbery by Elliot

Cone Head by Jasper