Meander Valley Gazette

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180 years in Westbury!

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Westbury children line up to go inside the impressive bluestone building that once housed Westbury State School. Tasmanian archives: Westbury State School (1953).  Photo supplied Westbury children line up to go inside the impressive bluestone building that once housed Westbury State School. Tasmanian archives: Westbury State School (1953).  Photo supplied

Westbury children line up to go inside the impressive bluestone building that once housed Westbury State School. Tasmanian archives: Westbury State School (1953).

Photo supplied

THIS YEAR in October, Westbury Primary School will celebrate its 180th birthday, an impressive milestone for Tasmania and Australia.

The school was established in 1839 at its current location on Taylor Street where an impressive bluestone building once stood.

On 25 October, the school will host a school open day followed by a fun-filled fair.

The open day will begin at 1.30pm with students conducting tours of the school and classrooms. Meander Valley Mayor Wayne Johnston will unveil a commemorative plaque and a student art installation.

Students have collaborated with local singer-songwriter Patrick Gambles who will perform the song with students for the first time at the celebrations. Music will continue with a performance from the school band.

Maypole dancing will launch the fair at 4pm, celebrating the school’s long tradition of Maypole dancing.

The school is keen to hear from former dancers, to perform alongside current dancers at the fair.

School Principal Christine Brown says the school would like to hear from former students about their memories of attending the school, particularly from families where multiple generations have attended.

Delicious food will be on offer with a BBQ and woodfired pizzas from the community garden. All proceeds will go back to the school.

The fair will include face painting, puppeteers, jumping castles, traditional fair games and local food trucks.

For more information about the day, please contact:

Stacey Tweedale, Communications Coordinator, 0413 453 567 or Christine Brown, Principal, 03 6393 1373, Westbury180@, #Westbury180.