In brief from the council


By Sharon Webb

Small blocks go-ahead for Reedy Marsh

Meander Valley Council has approved subdivision of a 4.8 hectare block at 1 Farrell’s Rd in Reedy March despite some residents objecting to the small size of the two resulting blocks.

Resident Andrew Ricketts said Reedy Marsh Rural Living Zone blocks should be a minimum of 15 hectares.

Resident Nick van Amstel maintained that approval would ‘inevitably lead to avoidable clearing of valuable vegetation and habitat and set a precedent for further subdivision’.

Cllr Frank Nott commented that under the incoming planning scheme the subdivision likely would not be passed. But he said approval meant council could control the undocumented building and road access on the property, which is owned by Ralph Young.

MVC General Manager resigns

The General Manager of the Meander Valley Council, Martin Gill, will take up a new appointment as CEO of the Borough of Queenscliffe Council in Victoria on 7 October.

An announcement on the borough’s website said Mr Gill ‘was selected from a long list of applicants from across Australia as part of a rigorous recruitment process that included multiple rounds of interviews’.

Mayor Wayne Johnston said Mr Gill will finish at Meander Valley Council on 22 September.

He expects finalisation of a new appointment will take three or four months and the council will appoint an acting general manager in the meantime.

Rural rubbish collection tossed out

A plan to extend the wheelie bin system to more rural areas has been ditched because residents objected.

In February general manager Martin Gill wrote to rural residents telling them the system would be introduced between July and September and asking for feedback.

A fiery Mole Creek public meeting in March left the council in no doubt of most residents’ reactions, with the cost more than $200 a household.

Mr Gill said councillors had requested further assessment of the proposed service and consultation on delivery options.

Three new blocks in Grigg St Deloraine

Council has approved subdivision of a block at 18 Grigg St in Deloraine to create two additional residential lots.

The land, owned by Corey and Kassey How, is 5400m2 in area. Subdivision will result in three residential lots. Lot 1 (702m2 including an existing dwelling) and lots two and three (2,360m2) are capable of accommodating a range of dwelling sizes.

Councillor Andrew Sherriff, whose Deloraine Signs business adjoins the proposed blocks, objected to the lack of stormwater drainage.

The permit is therefore conditional on changes to sewerage and stormwater systems, also impacting 20 Grigg Street and 4 Railway Street.

New truffle property road named

A short road off Mole Creek Rd which passes through the Tasmanian Truffles property is likely to be named Askrigg Lane.

Meander Valley Council has agreed to forward the proposal to the Tasmanian Nomenclature Office.


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