Valley launches into action for the 100 Day Challenge


THE 100 Day Challenge launched into action recently when Meander Valley community members gathered at the Western Tiers Community Club to discuss the future of youth engagement and mental health, helping to identify the major issues impacting on the youth of today.

Deloraine Primary and High school students were present to voice their concerns about mental health issues and engagement in learning ‘real world life skills’ such as understanding home finances and mortgages and how what they learn in school applies to their futures.

The workshop identified several key areas while working with the two themes of hands on learning and youth mental health. In the spirit of co-design, the participants chose to work with the theme of hands on learning for the 100 Day Challenge.

Discussions focused on how the community could draw upon local resources and create actions that would be completed within 100 days. The overall goal is to make a long-lasting impact on the future of young people by creating sustainable and measurable changes in the Meander Valley.

‘The Meander Valley community should give itself a huge round of applause for the enthusiasm and commitment that was so evident at the workshop’, said Bob Muller, from Devil’s Advocate Consulting.

The workshop produced several potential ‘actions’ that will help to get students engaged with community and into practical, experience-based projects such as careers events, wilderness adventures and mentoring programs.

Year 11 and 12 students from Deloraine High School said that the workshop was good for meeting new people and learning about the ideas that the community have.

‘It was really fun. They were really encouraging for us to share our ideas. They really wanted to know what we liked to do.’

The 100 Day Challenge is a community driven project supported by Westbury Health, The Van Diemen Project, Devil’s Advocate, Deloraine High School, Collective ed. and Meander Valley Council.

Further information: Victoria Homer, Collective ed. Lead on 0400 526 806 or email


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