Recycling concerns for Meander Valley?


By David Claridge

A RECYCLING slump across Australia has had a flow on effect where waste is unable to be processed as it was in many areas.

Business heavy weight SKM Recycling in Victoria has become insolvent in August after a $5.5 billion debt as reported on

Meander Valley Council was asked if there is any impact in our community to alleviate concerns. MVC Communications Officer Marianne MacDonald provided answers to these questions.

Where does our recycling go?

‘Most recyclable materials are processed in Tasmania or interstate. After initial processing, product is distributed to local and international markets.

’Given that recycling businesses are struggling and extra costs will most likely go to council and ratepayers, is our recycling under threat? ‘

Council is unable to predict changes in market demand for recyclable commodities, however, the current market is still viable.

‘Council is informed of emerging developments for reuse opportunities and continues to be proactive in engaging with multiple stakeholders.

‘The community does a great job in recycling various materials and Council encourages all its residents to continue to recycle.’ If so, what is Council doing to combat the issue? ‘

‘Council continues to work with other councils in the region to improve recycling opportunities and has recently contributed to the State Government’s Draft Waste Strategy Action Plan consultation.’

The Mercury in early September reported that ratepayers in the Hobart City Council area would be funding an extra shift to deal with excess waste as the SKM shutdown has adversely impacted their ability to relocate waste to the mainland. In the interim they have been stockpiling the waste at their facilities.


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