Meander Valley Gazette

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Celebrating 180 years with a song

Photo by Mike Moores  Patrick Gambles and students in mid-performance. Photo by Mike Moores  Patrick Gambles and students in mid-performance.

Photo by Mike Moores

Patrick Gambles and students in mid-performance.

ON OCTOBER 25, Westbury Primary School celebrated 180 years of history.

Starting off on a musical note, Westbury singer and songwriter Patrick Gambles and school students performed a song created for the occasion.

Meander Valley Mayor Wayne Johnston was on hand to unveil a commemorative plaque and student art installation before cutting the birthday cake.

Exhibitions of art and the school’s history were on show and the Maypole Dancers then launched the fair which continued after school hours.

Stalls provided a variety of goods and treats, including delicious local icecream, which helped fill stomachs and pass the time until the pizza ovens and the pizza makers began to produce their wares. Congratulations to Westbury Primary School, past and present, students and teachers – looking forward to their next 180 years!