Howzat! $65 000 grant for Hadspen Cricket

Photo supplied  Hadspen Cricket Club’s inaugural women’s Boom side will enjoy a new change rooms after the club received a $65 000 grant from the State Government.Photo supplied  Hadspen Cricket Club’s inaugural women’s Boom side will enjoy a new change rooms after the club received a $65 000 grant from the State Government.

Photo supplied

Hadspen Cricket Club’s inaugural women’s Boom side will enjoy a new change rooms after the club received a $65 000 grant from the State Government.

By Sharon Webb

WOMEN PLAYERS at Hadspen Cricket Club are winners after being granted $65 000 for new change rooms at the Hadspen Memorial Centre.

The Levelling the Playing Fields Grant comes as the club’s female player numbers are booming.

Club secretary Brad Eames said this year the club has two senior women’s sides in the Tasmanian Cricket League – the first club to achieve that after starting a women’s programme two years ago.

‘We were granted all the funds requested so it’s pretty exciting,’ he said. ‘It will give us new women’s change rooms and a storage facility.

‘Currently the women are using a shared facility. This grant will allow more privacy for players and let them feel more comfortable.

Mr Eames said the next step is to finalise the change rooms plan and submit them to Meander Valley Council.

Under the Levelling the Playing Field Grants Programme, the Tasmanian Government is investing $10 million over two years to upgrade sports facilities to support girls and women participating in sport across the state.

The $5.34 million allocated statewide this year will help sporting organisations build new facilities and upgrade existing facilities to ensure safe and comfortable environments.

It believes the funding will help improve the attraction and retention of female members in sporting codes across the state.

Organisations are required to match the funding dollar for dollar.


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