Meander Valley Gazette

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Corrections Minister to try again on prison consultation

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By Sharon Webb

THE TASMANIAN Government again will attempt to convince reluctant Westbury residents of the virtues of the new preferred prison site on Birralee Road.

Minister for Corrections, Elise Archer, has announced that she will hold one-on-one discussions on Sunday 8 December, 1pm–5pm, Sunday 15 December, 1pm–4pm and Monday 16 December, 10am–12pm at Fitzpatrick’s Inn in Westbury.

Ms Archer will also attend a public meeting on Monday 16 December at 5.30pm in the Westbury Town Hall.

Ms Archer maintains the government has ‘listened extensively to the Westbury community’, thanked those who have given feedback and described consultation to this point as ‘rigorous’.

She also reminded the community it was important to remember a final decision on the new Northern Regional Prison location has not yet been made.

The announcement comes a few days after Meander Valley Council called for more consultation on the prison location. Mayor Wayne Johnston said more information sessions, an online feedback portal and a constant physical presence in the community were needed urgently

‘It is not unreasonable to expect that after almost six weeks since the (prison) announcement we would, at the very least, have greater clarity around the government’s planned consultation process.’

‘Based on feedback the council is receiving from residents, this does not appear to be the case, ’ he said.

‘The community understandably has a lot of questions and there are a lot of views, with some people for it, some against and some unsure,’ he said.

Cllr Johnston reiterated that the proposed prison was a State Government project with the council’s role to represent community views and act as a planning authority.

‘But that does not restrict our ability to request additional community support services from the State Government and to ask questions about their consultation process.’

The northern prison project dominated the council meeting question time for a second month.

Cllr Johnston said when the State Government announced its preferred site, around 70 per cent of people who contacted him were in favour of the project.

substantial amount of feedback opposing the project at the council’s October and November meetings,’ he said.

A government spokesman said it is unlikely Liberal Lyons MHAs Mark Shelton and Guy Barnett would be involved in the consultation sessions ‘as they are doing their own consultation along the way’.

The two politicians heard local residents’ opinions a few weeks ago at Fitzpatrick’s Inn and Mr Shelton spoke at October’s anti-prison rally, where he was booed as he walked to the front of the hall to address the audience with fellow Lyons MHA John Tucker.

Neither Mr Shelton nor Mr Barnett was at the September announcement of the preferred prison site, leaving it to Ms Archer and Mr Tucker.


Note: the printed edition of the December Gazette mistakenly lists the date of the public meeting with MS Archer as 16 February, not Monday 16 December, the correct date.