Meander Valley Gazette

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The spirit of giving at Christmas

Photo by Mike Moores  Joan Loone, of the Aged Care Deloraine Auxiliary and Simon Rootes from the Deloraine and Districts Bendigo Bank cut the ribbon on the new Christmas tree. Photo by Mike Moores  Joan Loone, of the Aged Care Deloraine Auxiliary and Simon Rootes from the Deloraine and Districts Bendigo Bank cut the ribbon on the new Christmas tree.

Photo by Mike Moores

Joan Loone, of the Aged Care Deloraine Auxiliary and Simon Rootes from the Deloraine and Districts Bendigo Bank cut the ribbon on the new Christmas tree.

Maureen Hosken, President of Aged Care Deloraine Auxiliary (standing) with Kanangra resident Fay Woods (left) and Pauline Grey, Auxiliary volunteer with some of the Christmas garlands made for residents. Maureen Hosken, President of Aged Care Deloraine Auxiliary (standing) with Kanangra resident Fay Woods (left) and Pauline Grey, Auxiliary volunteer with some of the Christmas garlands made for residents.

Maureen Hosken, President of Aged Care Deloraine Auxiliary (standing) with Kanangra resident Fay Woods (left) and Pauline Grey, Auxiliary volunteer with some of the Christmas garlands made for residents.

By Hayley Manning

CAPTURING THE true spirit of Christmas, Kanangra and Grenoch residents have been at it again, pooling their creative talents to make decorative Christmas gifts that are sure to bring joy to others.

Aged Care Deloraine Auxiliary volunteers and residents gathered around a table jumbled high with all the assorted bits and pieces needed to make a door garland for each of the 100 residents at the Kanangra and Grenoch Aged Care facilities

Garland materials are purchased by the Auxiliary who raise funds throughout the year for projects and equipment as required.

‘The staff and residents always let us know what is needed. They have a wish list,’ said Pauline Grey, Aged Care board member and volunteer

Grenoch residents were also treated to the presentation of their new Christmas tree.

their new Christmas tree. In July this year, Aged Care Deloraine’s Christmas Joy project received $3,300 from the Deloraine and Districts Bendigo Bank Community Grant Program to purchase a new Christmas tree to brighten up Christmas for the residents.