All wrapped up for Hobart

Photo contributed  WRAP members and families travelled south to Hobart to demonstrate their viewpoint to the State Government in Hobart.Photo contributed  WRAP members and families travelled south to Hobart to demonstrate their viewpoint to the State Government in Hobart.

Photo contributed

WRAP members and families travelled south to Hobart to demonstrate their viewpoint to the State Government in Hobart.

A SMALL group of Westbury Residents Against the Prison (WRAP), travelled to Hobart on Thursday 5 December to have a gathering on the Tasmanian Parliament House lawns. From 12.30 to 1.30, with no speeches and no fuss, the group stood on the parliament house lawns to represent the 750 people who signed a petition against siting the Northern regional Prison at Westbury.

The group displayed 75 helium balloons in the Irish colours of green, white and orange, to remind Tasmanians of Westbury’s rich colonial Irish history and the long-running St Patrick’s Festival, both of which enhance the town’s value as a tourist destination.

750 people signed the petition, so each balloon represented 10 people. WRAP had extended an invitation to anyone who chose to come and stand with them on the day or to just come and say hello.


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