Climate emergency? Just a publicity stunt say local councillors


By Sharon Webb

MEANDER VALLEY councillors

have refused to join 76 other Australian councils in declaring a climate emergency, labelling it ‘a publicity stunt’ and ‘just words’.

Putting the motion at the December meeting, Cllr John Temple said that as a wilderness photographer for many years he had noticed many changes in the Meander Valley environment. This was the fundamental reason he put forward the motion.

ward the motion. ‘By engaging in this discussion we are not adopting any formal process – we’ll be moving forward on our own terms,’ he said.

But Cllr Tanya King then poo-poohed the motion, saying it was a matter of semantics.

‘Declaring a climate emergency with no proposed action is little more than a publicity stunt. Let us focus on strategic, sensible and sustainable projects,’ she said.

While Cllr Rodney Synfield commented that the motion was just the start of a conversation, Cllr Cameron labelled the motion ‘a distraction from council business’

‘Debating this will do little for the people of the Meander Valley; it’s just words,’ she said.

Over the past three council meetings Western Creek resident Helen Hutchinson has asked questions to provoke councillors’ thoughts on climate change.

In November she commented on the deferral of work costing $625,000 on Prospect Vale Park, asking acting general manager Jonathan Harmey, ‘Is there any reason why these funds could not be transferred to a council budget line item that prepared for climate emergencies such as either out of season flooding or very severe bushfires?’

Mr Harmey replied, ‘Any decision to approve a new budget for an external business to complete work on “out of season flooding” or “very severe bushfires” would require a decision by council.

‘Each year council balances the services it will be providing to the community and the cost of providing those services in our annual budget estimates.

‘Council is not in a position to fund every request from the community and the State Government or Federal Government may be better placed to provide the services listed in the question.’

Other comments by the councillors on the climate emergency motion included: Cllr Bower: ‘I agree with Cllrs King and Cameron.’

Cllr Kelly: ‘This is an overreaction. It’s not climate change; it’s mismanagement. The hysteria that comes with the words – I won’t support the motion.

Cllr Johnston: ‘Emergency is too strong a word for this. We have our change with the strategic plan coming up next year.’ Cllr Sherriff: ‘What qualification do any of us have to call it a climate emergency? Is Meander Valley Council declaring a climate emergency going to stop people rubbishing our planet?’

In Tasmania, the Hobart, Launceston and Kingborough Councils have declared a climate emergency.


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