Australia Day celebration


MEMBERS OF the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community organised an Australia Day BBQ for locals on January 26, which was attended by 52 guests. Dr Aamir Mahmood, President of the Community’s Tasmania chapter, welcomed the guests and thanked them for attending the event. Speaking to the guests, Dr Mahmood said, ‘Islam teaches us that loving our country is a part of our faith. Australia has been our home for the past 10 years. We have received so much love from the community here. We really wanted to share our feelings with the community on this and are so glad to see such a great turnout. We will continue to organize such events that can unite the community and allow us to understand each other better’.

Dr Aamir and his family left Pakistan in 2010 due to religious persecution. Dr Mahmood‘s son Qinwan shared his feelings with the audience about why he is grateful to live in a country that allowed him and his family to freely practice their faith.


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