Meander Valley Gazette

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Good health for all!

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THE DELORAINE & Westbury Medical Centre is pleased to welcome and introduce three new doctors this year. Dr Jacqueline Chua and Dr Upali Mapitigama joined the practice in January and Dr Fara Poursafavi will be starting in March. These three new full-time GPs will help reduce the extended waiting periods that some patients have experienced. They will assist in giving all patients prompt access to consultation and treatment.

'For the present, the new GPs will be working at Deloraine but will see patients at Westbury as well, as demand increases. Recently, it has often proved difficult for patients to obtain an appointment when they needed one. Because of demand, there have also been very long wait times to see some of the doctors at the practice. D&WMC want to acknowledge and thank the Meander Valley community for their patience.