Meander Valley Gazette

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Ashley roof ‘party’ causes major damage

Photos by Mike Moores  Police surrounded the Ashley Detention Centre while six youths spent almost eight hours on the roof of the facility. No one was hurt in the incident. Photos by Mike Moores  Police surrounded the Ashley Detention Centre while six youths spent almost eight hours on the roof of the facility. No one was hurt in the incident.

Photos by Mike Moores

Police surrounded the Ashley Detention Centre while six youths spent almost eight hours on the roof of the facility. No one was hurt in the incident.

By Sharon Webb

SIX YOUTHS aged 15–17 years caused considerable damage to Ashley Youth Detention Centre on March 6 when they spent almost eight hours on the roof of the Bronte wing. Acting Inspector Jason Jones from the Northern District Support Unit of Tasmania Police said the detainees damaged the roof and ceilings with hammers and screwdrivers while also throwing items including light globes at police and centre staff below. He said police arrived at AYDC at 3.30pm and two youths came down from the roof shortly after. ‘After negotiations by police and staff, the remaining youths left by 11pm,’ Insp. Jones said. ‘No-one was hurt in the incident but they caused considerable damage.’ Insp. Jones said the detainees were not hostile but simply refused to leave the roof. He had no idea why the detainees were up there, they made no demands. ‘It was possibly an opportunity to cause issues for everyone at the centre,’ he said. Insp. Jones said police had surrounded the building as per protocol and spoke to the youths to get them to come down of their own accord. ‘I don’t know how they gained access to the roof – but there was never a risk of them getting out of the centre.

Corrections Minister Elise Archer said the incident was being reviewed. ‘An environmental scan will occur to identify the means of access to the roof and immediate action be taken to prevent future access at that site,’ she said. ‘I thank the staff and police for ensuring a safe de-escalation in a timely manner.’