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We need help, says our neighbourhood house

By Sharon Webb

Deloraine House is appealing for urgent help for people sleeping in cars and tents around the Meander Valley because of the Covid-19 virus.

Manager Debbie Smith has called for donations of temporary accommodation, warm clothing, bedding and food to help homeless people.

‘Currently we are assisting four women living in vehicles, six men living in vehicles or tents, a family with small children living in temporary accommodation and about 20 backpackers and temporary visa holders who are living in hotel/boarding/camp areas,’ Ms Smith said.

Ms Smith said many international people had been trapped by the Covid-19 situation –backpackers and fruit pickers who thought they would only be in Tasmania over the warmer months.

‘For various reasons they haven’t been able to go home and are stuck here with no warm clothing and nowhere to live,’ she said.

‘We also have some homeless people from the NW Coast who have escaped the Covid-19 situation because they don’t want to catch the virus.’

The situation is exacerbated by the closure of local op shops where people could have bought cheap clothing and blankets.

Deloraine House has become a one-stop shop for people needing food, clothing, bedding and shelter.

‘We’re trying to do it on a skeleton crew and it’s full-on,’ Ms Smith said.

‘We’re averaging 20-plus people through here a day.’

Deloraine House is selling nutritious freezer meals for $5 each and provides emergency food relief and no-interest loans.

Staff are also supporting vulnerable and elderly people who are isolated in their homes via a red and green card system.

‘They have registered with us and leave a green card in their window if they’re ok and a red one if they need help. We also phone them twice a week,’ Ms Smith said. ‘We are shopping for groceries for some people and can deliver food where necessary.’

Ms Smith said Deloraine House is looking to access the Meander Valley Council’s $1.7m business and community recovery package to assist with off-setting some of the expenses needed to provide these services.

Backpackers from as far afield as Longford and Cressy have also appealed for help from Deloraine House because there are no neighbourhood houses in the northern midlands.

People needing to register for help or to offer assistance can contact Deloraine House: phone 6362 2678.

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