Meander Valley Gazette

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New policy will help residents struggling to pay their rates

By Sharon Webb

Meander Valley Council has approved a new policy to help residents in financial hardship to pay their rates during the Covid-19 crisis and beyond.

The new policy gives the council the option to postpone rate payments, give a remission of late payment penalties or interest, or grant a remission of rates.

Discussing the new policy, Cllr Stephanie Cameron said, ‘The situation we are in is pretty hideous and is affecting a lot of people. I hope this policy goes some way towards helping.’

Council officers reported that a number of community members had contacted the council to say they were experiencing financial hardship caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

‘Council recognises that some ratepayers can experience significant financial hardships during and as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic where income has reduced, financial position changed or they have been affected by business closure as a result of illness or government response measures,’ the report said.

To seek financial hardship assistance from the council, ratepayers should email or write to the general manager, John Jordan, providing evidence of hardship and requesting the type of help needed.

The policy says that remission of any rates, or interest, in part or in full, is reserved only for the most serious and exceptional of financial hardship cases.

Serious financial hardship involves both low income/cash flow and a low asset base.

Evidence of hardship may include:

  • a statutory declaration from an appropriate professional who is familiar with the applicant’s circumstances (for example, a family doctor for health-related evidence, a bank official, insurance policy manager)

  • pending disconnection of essential services, like water, electricity, gas (not phone)

  • notice of impending legal action

  • a letter from a charitable organisation regarding loss of employment or inability to provide for basic necessities.

For more information, please phone 6393 5300.

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