What a lucky local newspaper!


One of the front page stories on the Tasmanian government plans to build a regional prison. Written by Sharon Webb, the series of stories won her the Best News Story category of the 2020 Tasmanian Media Awards

IT’S A lucky local newspaper that can survive in times like these, but the Gazette is lucky to have a group of dedicated contributors and workers putting each edition together. The Gazette also has journalist Sharon Webb, who reports on local, state and federal government affairs that affect the Meander Valley. Ms Webb has just won the Best News Story category of the 2020 Tasmanian Media Awards for a series of stories entitled ‘How Westbury became a site for a new prison’. Judges’ comments on the three Gazette front page stories submitted said, ‘This series of stories demonstrates the best in local reporting – understanding what is important to the community, political and community contacts, an ability to dig beneath the surface, persistence and relevance to a wider population. ‘The story-telling is crisp and concise. As local news outlets disappear, this winner demonstrates what Tasmanian communities stand to lose.’ Ms Webb worked as a teacher early in her career, switching to journalism at The Examiner newspaper where she later became News Editor, then Chief of Staff.


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