Meander Valley Gazette

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Entertainment facilities improvements for the Deloraine Showgrounds

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THE FACILITIES at the Deloraine Showgrounds are being spruced up at a cost of around $300,000.

Showground committee president, Lynette Gleeson, said new toilets, showers, kitchen and entertainment areas are being built in the showground’s largest building. Depending on weather, the work will be complete by September or October.

There will also be an extension to the sheep shed – a skillion roof where more sheep can be exhibited – to be completed by early August.

‘We had more than 200 sheep at last year’s show and there wasn’t enough room,’ Mrs Gleeson said.

‘And I think the old toilet block has been there for 50 years.’

A shortage of available local builders held up the start of work, but development of the large building has begun, with slabs down, floors polished and the roof on.

The building alterations will be paid for with a Tasmanian Community Grant and a State Government Agricultural Show Grant.

Mrs Gleeson said the result will be a building which can be hired by community groups for entertainment purposes.

The building work means the Deloraine Market held at the Showgrounds on the first Saturday of the month cannot be held until after September despite loosening of COVID-19 restrictions.