Meander Valley Gazette

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In the swim at Mole Creek!

Celebrating funding to repair Mole Creek swimming pool. Front: Jye Webb, Craig Richards, Tannah Webb, Meika Webb and Jenny Lloyd with Stella, Lydia and Charlotte Meure. Back: Trudy Richards, Jill Harvey, Megan Flowers and Connie Frydrych.   Photo supplied Celebrating funding to repair Mole Creek swimming pool. Front: Jye Webb, Craig Richards, Tannah Webb, Meika Webb and Jenny Lloyd with Stella, Lydia and Charlotte Meure. Back: Trudy Richards, Jill Harvey, Megan Flowers and Connie Frydrych.   Photo supplied

Celebrating funding to repair Mole Creek swimming pool. Front: Jye Webb, Craig Richards, Tannah Webb, Meika Webb and Jenny Lloyd with Stella, Lydia and Charlotte Meure. Back: Trudy Richards, Jill Harvey, Megan Flowers and Connie Frydrych.

Photo supplied

Mole Creek in the swim as the pool gets funding

By Sharon Webb

A crowd at the outdoor Mole Creek Swimming Pool in mid-winter is unheard of – but the town’s swimmers had good news to celebrate.

After an expert in a wetsuit found three or four leaks in the 1985-era pool, the local swimming pool committee got to work to raise funds to pay for repairs.

In June came news that the Tasmania Community Fund would come good with $45,475.40, the majority of the $64,000 needed.

Committee secretary Trudy Richards said an average of 1,000 people each year pay a gold coin to use the pool in the summer months when it’s open.

‘It really is the only recreational facility in Mole Creek so it’s important,’ she said.

‘There’s not a lot here, for kids especially, to do over summer.

‘All ages use it. Some older lap swimmers, kids and mothers, tourists passing through and young people having get-togethers.

‘The pool was built by the community and the committee has put in a lot of work over the years to keep it going. It’s run by volunteers.’

The pool committee, led by president Megan Flowers, has raised $3,000 through an op shop set up expressly for this fundraising purpose.

Meander Valley Council allocated $3,000 and the Bendigo Bank contributed $5,000.

The Tasmania Community Fund’s goal is to support and strengthen Tasmanian communities.

Its board members commented on the clear need for a functioning swimming pool in Mole Creek, the capacity of the committee to complete the project and its strong value for money.