Meander Valley Gazette

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Northern Regional Prison has significant benefits for the Meander Valley

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Elise Archer, Attorney-General and Minister for Corrections

The Northern Regional Prison project will deliver significant benefits for the Meander Valley Region.

Not only will the project support more than 1,000 jobs in construction and prison operations, it will deliver an economic boost of $500 million to the region.

At a time when Tasmania desperately needs jobs as we emerge from the challenges of COVID-19, this vital project will deliver them and help to provide the region with economic certainty long into the future.

Community consultation has always been key to progressing this project and delivering our Government’s 2018 State Election commitment to build the $270 million Northern Regional Prison, in order to address the challenges facing Tasmania’s correctional system.

Although many in Westbury and the broader Meander Valley region continue to be supportive of this important project, I am well aware that some in the community have concerns.

The extensive community consultation undertaken and now complete, together with the recently released Social and Economic Impact Study, showed a clear theme among some community members and local businesses surveyed that building the prison at a site further away from the town centre of Westbury would be preferable.

Our Government has taken on board this feedback as promised and, as a result, has now identified a new site 5.2 kilometres from the Westbury town centre and, to be very clear, we will not be pursuing the previous preferred site.

This is a significant geographical distance away from the town centre (more than Deloraine is to Ashley Youth Detention Centre) and does not require travel through Westbury, which was another concern expressed throughout consultation.

Preliminary analysis of this Crown land site has been undertaken and we will now progress with further due diligence over coming weeks, including talking with local landholders.

I sincerely thank the residents and businesses of Westbury, and the broader Meander Valley community, for their valuable feedback and participation in the extensive consultation process to enable this decision.

As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, the injection of a $270 million infrastructure project and the creation of more than 1,000 jobs is more important than ever, particularly in our regional communities.

The Social and Economic Impact Study focused on the Westbury and the Meander Valley region gaining the views of residents about the project in the region. The community will have a further opportunity for consultation as is required under planning laws.

We are committed to delivering this vital project for Tasmania on the new site, in an effective and timely manner.