Meander Valley Gazette

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Fowl play?

Percy at Kanangra in 2018   Archive photo by Kate Harvey Percy at Kanangra in 2018   Archive photo by Kate Harvey

Percy at Kanangra in 2018

Archive photo by Kate Harvey

MISSING – Percy the peacock. Distinguishing features? Yes!

Percy the peacock has long been a resident in the garden at Kanangra.

Originally accompanied by a bevy of peahens, he stayed behind on his own, when the girls were relocated elsewhere. Apparently Percy escaped the round-up.

Kanangra residents may have had mixed feelings about sharing their garden space with a large and independently-minded bird, but some are worried about what happened to him when he disappeared from their garden recently.

If anyone knows his current whereabouts then we will be happy to pass the information along. Perhaps Percy has gone looking for companionship?

Or was the grass just greener elsewhere?