Meander Valley Gazette

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Safe for Henry at Longridge Swimming Hole

Henry going for a swim on a sunny winter day at Longridge. Henry going for a swim on a sunny winter day at Longridge.

Henry going for a swim on a sunny winter day at Longridge.

Some of the nails collected at the site.   Photos by Hayley Manning Some of the nails collected at the site.   Photos by Hayley Manning

Some of the nails collected at the site.

Photos by Hayley Manning

ON THE night of June 28, vandals burnt pallets and left piles of dangerous nails behind on the shore of the Longridge Swimming Hole.

They also cut down trees and limbs and left half cut trees standing.

The pristine Meander River frontage and pebbled shore is a popular summer swimming area for visitors, locals, children and dogs.

Nails are harmful to marine life as well as the many people and their pets who use the area for recreation.