Meander Valley Gazette

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Anyone for tennis?

Deloraine Tennis Club is a hit with the ladies, for fun and fitness.   Photo by Andrew Shepherd Deloraine Tennis Club is a hit with the ladies, for fun and fitness.   Photo by Andrew Shepherd

Deloraine Tennis Club is a hit with the ladies, for fun and fitness.

Photo by Andrew Shepherd

DELORAINE TENNIS Club recently held an Open Day to attract new members. The winter weather turned on the sunshine as lots of ladies enjoyed a morning of convivial social tennis, followed by a wonderful spread of refreshments in the Tasmanian country tradition.

Club President Beryl Sturzaker keenly encourages anyone who may be interested in playing or learning to play tennis, to join the club.

Everyone is catered for. Social tennis is played on Sundays and Mondays from 10am. The ladies’ midweek pennant starts on September 2. A farmers’ group hires the courts and plays on Wednesday nights.

For individual tuition, small groups or group sessions, a professional coach is available, by appointment, from 9.30am to 5.30pm on Saturdays.

Through school term 4, the Tasmanian Tennis Association intends to run another series of ‘Open Court Sessions’.

This is an initiative of Tennis Australia, aimed at giving novices the opportunity to get into tennis. Lots of balls are hit, laughs shared and great company is enjoyed after the sessions.

The motto is ‘No skill, no mates, no racquet required’, with an emphasis on fun, friendship and healthy exercise.

friendship and healthy exercise. Deloraine members are proud of their excellent facilities. The Clubhouse is very comfortable, overlooking the three courts including one with an artificial grass surface which is great to play on.

‘We are very lucky that the Meander Valley Council has helped us with grants to renovate the Clubhouse,’ said Beryl.

She recalled earlier times when there were many more players and frequent interclub competitions.

As early as 1892, ‘Arcoona’ was built in Deloraine by Dr Frank Cole, with a tennis court and clubhouse on the grounds, so Deloraine has a long history of the game that has been maintained by many enthusiastic players ever since.

For more information, call Beryl Sturzaker on 0427 636 146.