Emergency hours cut at Mersey Hospital


MEANDER VALLEY residents needing after-hours accident and emergency treatment will need to head for the Emergency Department of Launceston General Hospital, supported by Ambulance Tasmania and aeromedical support where necessary.

Emergency hours at the Mersey Hospital have been cut to 8am–6pm because of a shortage of medical staff.

Health Minister Sarah Courtney said that the hospital is normally staffed by interstate locums who cannot get into Tasmania because of COVID-19 travel restrictions.

‘Due to current quarantine requirements and travel restrictions, finding locums to staff the emergency department has become extremely difficult,’ Ms Courtney said.

‘We have explored all options to avoid having to reduce hours at the Mersey but no safe, viable alternatives were determined.

‘This decision has not been taken lightly and I acknowledge that this will likely cause some anxiety in the local community

‘Unfortunately the pressure placed on locum resources nationally is out of the Tasmanian Health Service’s control.’

Labor Member for Braddon Shane Broad said Health Minister Sarah Courtney had failed to provide certainty about a date for the emergency department to return to full operation

‘The Minister says she cares about the North West and the Mersey Community Hospital yet is continually downgrading services and failing to answer basic questions,’ he said.

‘Sending vulnerable patients further away to emergency departments that are already facing their own pressure isn’t demonstrating care. It is treating them with contempt, and increasing pressure on health services right across the north of the state.

‘The government needs to commit to a date to restore the emergency department to full operation. The community has been calling out for, and deserves, answers.’

Ms Courtney said her number one priority was the safety of staff and patients.

‘To ensure high-quality care for our patients it is imperative we only provide services in situations where appropriate staff levels are available.

‘As soon as we are able to safely staff the Mersey’s emergency department for a longer time we will not hesitate to increase the opening hours again. I remain committed to returning the Mersey ED to a 24 hours service as soon as we are safely able to staff it. Concerted recruitment efforts are continuing for a number of positions in an effort to relieve the current situation, and these include permanent roles for medical professionals.’

Braddon MHA Anita Dow said downgrading hours at the Mersey was causing distress in the North West community

‘We are hearing alarming stories from members of the local community who are impacted by reduced hours at the Mersey Community Hospital’s emergency department,’ she said.


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