Meander Valley Gazette

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Hadspen Brigade looking for volunteers

Hadspen Fire Brigade Chief Wayne Preston with son Luke (18 months old) and Third Officer Scott Aalbreght – looking for more volunteers until Luke is old enough to join!   Photo by Andrew Shepherd Hadspen Fire Brigade Chief Wayne Preston with son Luke (18 months old) and Third Officer Scott Aalbreght – looking for more volunteers until Luke is old enough to join!   Photo by Andrew Shepherd

Hadspen Fire Brigade Chief Wayne Preston with son Luke (18 months old) and Third Officer Scott Aalbreght – looking for more volunteers until Luke is old enough to join!

Photo by Andrew Shepherd

By David Claridge 

DO YOU enjoy helping others and learning new skills?

How about being available at a moment’s notice and heading into a hot situation? 

If this sounds like you, and you live in the Hadspen area, then the local fire station might be the place for you

The Hadspen Brigade of the Tasmanian Fire Service is looking to bolster the number of volunteers it can call on to help them fulfil their responsibilities.

An information session was held in August to give members of the community an idea of exactly what a volunteer firefighter’s role is.

Brigade Chief Wayne Preston hopes that there are more people out there in the local area who can give up their time and become volunteers. 

‘It’s open to all demographics. People as young as 17 can become cadets and work their way up to volunteers.

‘There are even people in their sixties still responding at some brigades,’ he explained. 

‘New candidates will have to go through a brigade induction then basic training provided by the TFS to bring them up to an acceptable skill level so that they can be utilised on the fireground.

‘Call outs in Hadspen range from urban response, structure fires, motor vehicle accidents, and of course, vegetation fires.

If anyone in the local area is interested, they are encouraged to email Wayne at 

The Hadspen Brigade training sessions are on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 8–10 Main Street, Hadspen.