Meander Valley Gazette

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A little book still speaks to those in need of hope

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STOP SUICIDE, A book of Hope has been reissued 23 years after its first publication, still free and available to anyone who needs it.

Westbury author Heather Donaldson put the original edition of the book together following a tragic series of youth suicides in the 1990s that had a huge impact on the Meander Valley community.

Concerned that very little advice was directly aimed at young people, Heather made a collection of the words people wished they had said or would have wanted to hear.

Originally launched by then Premier Jim Bacon and distributed across Tasmania and the rest of Australia, the book has always been in demand.

Funded by the Rotary Club of Westbury and Relationships Australia, copies will be provided to libraries, high schools and colleges and made available at health centres and community houses. All Neighbourhood Houses across Tasmania will receive 100 copies each.

For more information or to obtain a copy of Stop Suicide, please contact Primary Health North, on 6777 4551.