Government moves on bushfire measures

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A NEW Draft Bushfire Mitigation Measures Bill is now out for consultation which will make it easier to reduce fuel and mechanically clear vegetation for a fuel break, while balancing environment and community concerns.

In addition, in preparation for the fire season, 30 of Tasmania’s newest remote area firefighters are being put through their paces.

Premier Peter Gutwein said the moves will help ensure the State is as well prepared as possible to work with greater speed and responsiveness to address bushfire risk.

‘The legislation will make it easier for landholders to reduce fuel loads by allowing approvals to be granted in a shorter time frame, when a bushfire hazard management plan is in place.

‘There will also be clear accountability for landowners and occupiers, both public and private, in regards to bushfire mitigation.’

The first cohort of firefighting volunteers, selected through an expressions of interest process, is now training to enhance the State’s specialist remote area firefighting capability.

Mark Shelton, Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management, said their training will be completed during the spring months, with the volunteers adding to the existing personnel in the TFS, PWS and Sustainable Timber Tasmania before the summer season

‘Remote area firefighters access difficult terrain by helicopter or on foot, and use special light weight pumps or hand tools to protect our iconic natural assets or to fight bushfires before they spread and impact our cities, towns and critical infrastructure’, he said.


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