Deloraine Bowls Open Day welcomes visitors

Above: Guy Barnett and Rebecca White both took on the locals at the Deloraine Bowls Open Day in September.  Photo suppliedAbove: Guy Barnett and Rebecca White both took on the locals at the Deloraine Bowls Open Day in September.  Photo supplied

Above: Guy Barnett and Rebecca White both took on the locals at the Deloraine Bowls Open Day in September. Photo supplied

ON SEPTEMBER 20 Deloraine Bowls Club had its annual Open Day, at the start of the new bowls season

President Keith Davis welcomed both the Hon. Rebecca White and the Hon. Guy Barnett as well as Greg Thomas who represented Bowls North.

Rebecca White noted, ‘Sporting clubs like Deloraine Bowls play such a vital role in our community as a place that brings people together to forge friendships that last a lifetime but also to help people maintain good physical and mental health’.

Guy Barnett added, ‘The Open Day was a fun day out with the locals, with essential coaching from my partner Cheryl Gleeson and highlighting the important role sports clubs offer especially during the COVID-19 pandemic’

The new season starts 10 Oct for Saturday divisions and 15 Oct for Thursday divisions.

Contact secretary.dbcinc@ or call in on a Friday afternoon from 4pm. Visitors and new members welcome.


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