Blink and you might miss it!

A still from episode 6, season 4 of  The Crown .A still from episode 6, season 4 of  The Crown .

A still from episode 6, season 4 of The Crown.

The royal visit, courtesy of Libraries Tasmania, Item number AB713/1/2810The royal visit, courtesy of Libraries Tasmania, Item number AB713/1/2810

The royal visit, courtesy of Libraries Tasmania, Item number AB713/1/2810

EAGLE EYED Netflix viewers have spotted our own Elizabeth Town making an appearance in the new season of The Crown.

When Queen Elizabeth is watching old movie footage of her 1954 trip to Australia, for a few seconds, her car can be seen driving under the banner erected at Elizabeth Town on the Bass Highway.

In our June edition this year, we ran a story by Michelle Blake, which told of the event.

β€˜On Tuesday, 23 February 1954, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip passed through town. Arrangements had been made for the royal procession to slow down so the 300 people from the surrounding area that lined the road could cheer, clap and wave flags to welcome them.’

The following month, Nell Carr of Dunorlan wrote, β€˜I can well remember the visit of the

Queen to Elizabeth Town in 1954. As at that time Elizabeth Town was the only town in Australia bearing her name, it had been requested that the procession slow down there as it travelled from the Port of Devonport to Launceston.’


Chill-out children after school at Toddle Inn


Brightening up the town!