Days for girls & boys from Deloraine High

Deloraine High School students practice their sewing skills with Days for Girls Deloraine, to assist girls in a refugee camp. From left: Tara Lloyd, Blake Leguis and Emma Miles.  Photo suppliedDeloraine High School students practice their sewing skills with Days for Girls Deloraine, to assist girls in a refugee camp. From left: Tara Lloyd, Blake Leguis and Emma Miles.  Photo supplied

Deloraine High School students practice their sewing skills with Days for Girls Deloraine, to assist girls in a refugee camp. From left: Tara Lloyd, Blake Leguis and Emma Miles. Photo supplied

DELORAINE HIGH school students were recently invited to help the Meander Valley Days for Girls team at a workshop making hygiene kits for refugee girls.

Days for Girls secured a small grant from dōTerra Australia to make feminine hygiene kits for a Karin refugee camp on the Thailand/Myanmar border.

These kits will be distributed to refugee girls so they can attend school.

The students were invited to assist Days for Girls to introduce them to the concept of helping people in need and to increase awareness of how difficult life can be for young girls living in refugee camps or in neverending poverty.

Twenty Deloraine High students from years 9 and 10 attended the three day workshop at the Rotary Function Centre, where they learnt how to use sewing machines, overlockers, and heat sealers to pro- duce the kits.

The students also learnt about humanitarian aid and how to build sustainability with people in need.

The participating students learnt how to make a reusable hygiene kit that can last between 3 to 4 years. This will enable girls to continue their education and improve their lives.

The girls and women in the refugee camp will be taught how to make the reusable kits for themselves.

Days for Girls hope to supply the materials and also provide women’s health information, so they can extend their assistance to a further 20,000 women in need.

Due to COVID-19 restriction, Days for Girls lost the opportunity to raise funds at the Tasmanian Craft Fair, so they have a Christmas Hamper Raffle instead. To support the cause, tickets or donations will be accepted at Deloraine House.


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