Meander Valley Gazette

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Local man nominated for 2021 Tasmanian Young Australian of the Year

Labor leader and Lyons MHA Rebecca White congratulatesRulla Kelly-Mansell on his nomination.  Photo supplied Labor leader and Lyons MHA Rebecca White congratulatesRulla Kelly-Mansell on his nomination.  Photo supplied

Labor leader and Lyons MHA Rebecca White congratulatesRulla Kelly-Mansell on his nomination. Photo supplied

THE ACHIEVEMENTS of local man Rulla Kelly-Mansell have been recognised through his nomination in the Australian of the Year awards.

Mr Kelly-Mansell was nominated in the Tasmanian Young Australian of the year category, an award won by Toby Thorpe.

Mr Kelly-Mansell grew up at Mole Creek and was involved with the Deloraine Football Club before he moved interstate to pursue both career and football opportunities.

A proud Tulampanga Pakana man, Rulla is the director of Make Runs Maxi, a charity promoting positive mental health.

Labor Member for Lyons Rebecca White attended the awards ceremony and was proud to personally congratulate Mr Kelly-Mansell on his well deserved recognition.

‘It is an honour to receive a nomination for such a significant award’, Ms White said.

‘I’ve known Rulla for a few years now and his genuine desire to promote positive mental health and support oth- ers around him shines through.

‘It is testament to his resilience and determination that despite some of the hardships he has faced, he continues to forge a path of optimism and inspire other people around him.

‘Congratulations to Rulla on his achievements to date, this nomination is very well deserved.’