Meander Valley Gazette

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Lois – local volunteer on the go!

Lois Beckwith keeps it under her Red Hat.  Photo supplied Lois Beckwith keeps it under her Red Hat.  Photo supplied

Lois Beckwith keeps it under her Red Hat. Photo supplied

COVID-19 HAS produced many stories of amazing volunteers who have led community projects to help others.

Six such individuals across Tasmania have been chosen to attend the Walk with Heart event, a luxury Three Capes Walk with the Tasmania Walking Company.

Lois Beckwith is the local standout, selected due to the diverse range of support activities she has initiated.

Early in the pandemic, Lois coordinated the donations of locally made face shields, face masks and hygiene kits. She then negotiated with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Nepal Embassy, and Australia Post to have the donations transported for free on a repatriation flight returning to Kathmandu.

Lois helped her Days for Girls volunteers to work from home, delivering and picking up packages of materials so they could continue making feminine hygiene kits for girls in need.

Lois is also President of the Lupus Association of Tasmania. When Hydroxychloroquine sulfate was suggested as possible aid to treating COVID-19, there was discussion to ensure that Lupus patients (who rely heavily on the drug to prevent antibodies attacking their vital organs) could access supplies. Tasmania had no supply problems but other states did.

During COVID-19, it became apparent that older people were experiencing isolation and problems due to a lack of digital access. Grant applications and planning to provide training, mentoring and computers for older people has led to a pilot course now in progress.

With the need for more social connection, fun and activity in their lives, Lois has now launched a Deloraine/ Westbury branch of the Red Hat Society for older women to get out and make new friends.

Lois will be taking time for herself to walk the Three Capes in early December. Nanette Steers, a volunteer U3A fitness leader and the Red Hat coordinator for Westbury, will join her on the trek.