Boot Scootin’ Bunnies line up for fun

Boot Scootin’ Bunnies Marg Donovan, Dawn Larcombe, Sue Ryder and Lola Flowers strut their stuff on the streets of Westbury. Photo supplied.

On a crowded dance floor at the Westbury RSL three Boot Scootin’ Bunnies were a standout.

Showing off their line dancing skills at a spring dance where locals were invited to celebrate the season by wearing floral frocks and Hawaiian shirts, their well-practised steps outshone even the perfect quicksteppers.

Dawn Larcombe of Deloraine, Sue Ryder of Meander and Lola Flowers of Deloraine attend classes on Mondays at the RSL with their line dance teacher Margaret Donovan of Westbury.

‘It’s fun and exercise,’ said Sue, ‘and it’s great for people without a dance partner.’

Marg has run the line dance classes in Westbury for 18 years, having fallen in love with the skill years before.

Currently they only have one man in the class. ‘We get the occasional man. All gentlemen are welcome,’ Marg said diplomatically.

Six Boot Scootin’ Bunnies share the fun every month, wearing their red shirt and black trouser uniforms to entertain the older folk at Grenoch and Kanangra.

Anyone is welcome to join Marg’s line dancing classes. The cost is $3 and goes to charity.

‘It’s all very social except when Marg starts singing, then we all vanish,’ said Sue Ryder.


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