Conference gives Deloraine a boost

This September, the Tasmanian Neighbourhood House Conference was a bonanza for Deloraine community groups wishing to top up their coffers.

Deloraine Neighbourhood House manager Deb Smith, whose team organised the conference, said that catering and decorating for the three day event was done by local groups.

‘The idea was for the whole community to benefit,’ she said.

‘Breakfast was done by the Lions, morning teas by Rotary. For the annual dinner the Bowls Club made hors d’oevres, the basketball club did main course and the football club ran the bar.’

Deloraine’s schools didn’t miss out. Primary students did the decorating for the dinner, high school and vocational students served.

More than 200 people from 35 neighbourhood houses all over the state attended the conference, filling accommodation far and wide.

‘The feedback we’re getting from Deloraine cafés and pubs is that they experienced a boost.

‘Even op shops got a share of the business as conference goers searched for dress up clothes for the Meandering Country themed dinner,’ Ms Smith said.

CEO of Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania, Michael Bishop, said the main themes arising from the conference were:

  • concern about the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable people – emergency relief needed 

  • the positive impact of community gardens

  • potential neighbourhood house action to support youth mental health services

  • the need for support people to work cooperatively around the state in a neighbourhood house network.


All the world’s a stage


Farewell to Nell