Extra October forum on Meander School

Meander Valley Council will hold a second community forum on future use of the Meander School site this month. A date had not been announced when the Gazette went to press.

In answer to a question from Cllr Deb White at the September council meeting, general manager John Jordan said the forum was a response to Meander residents asking for a ‘public search conference’ or brainstorming style event.

Cllr White said that residents wanted to exchange ideas for the site and develop them along creative lines.

Mr Jordan said that while the August drop-in event at Meander Hall provided great feedback and ideas from residents, there was less expression around how suggested ideas might be achieved. 

‘How ideas can be converted into viable proposals is a key focus for the council,’ he said.

‘The October event will also be an opportunity to explain the role and nomination process for the community shortlisting group which will short list proposals ahead of providing recommendations to the council. 

‘More detail on the nomination process will be available soon.’ 

Mr Jordan said meeting to be held in November would give people considering submitting an expression of interest in using the school site the opportunity to ask questions, obtain additional detail about the process and tour the site. 

Other steps in the process include:

  • October 2021 Expressions of Interest invited, closing January 2022 

  • November 2021 Community shortlisting group formed 

  • December 2021 Council call for short term use proposals for the site

  • February 2022 Community shortlisting group assessment and recommendation 

  • March 2022 Council decides on the successful tenderer 

  • July 2022 Successful proponent commences operation.


$2m squash courts proposed for Deloraine


Pig in the middle!